03:01 | Posted in , , ,
Title : D-LIVE!! ( ドライブ )
Author: Ryouji Minagawa ( 皆川 亮二 )

Minagawa Riyouzi write a manga hero, there is always the same characteristics to be "superman" is. D-LIVE!! I also like Superman, but Spriggan, ARMS I do not think a sense of affinity compared to the boil. D-LIVE!! I also like Superman, but Spriggan, ARMS I do not think a sense of affinity compared to the boil. The ordinary man from the general public (say it better affinity ADAMAS boil it). However, he can be active in the field once (Ikaruga), leave it to be strong. Is invincible. Sauce while complaining, get on with the mission. Enough so also is the leading feature of the writing Minagawa Riyouzi. D-LIVE!! I was reading a weekly magazine. Now, try and read again, and an amazing thought to write. Content, who can read knows Minagawa Ryouzi with confidence. Involved in the incident is always fighting the last master, the growth story that is. We made it reminiscent of the Spriggan, after all, D-LIVE!! It is also interesting.

maniac manga


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