Title : Yozakura Quartet ( 夜桜四重奏 )
Author: Suzuhito Yasuda ( ヤスダスズヒト )
Contents of this volumes now, was talking about Yuuhi Shinatsuhiko and Yae Shinatsuhiko. How they become what God in "Sakura Shinmachi". And that has been draw, they meet Mariabell and Hiizumi family.
Basically what so relaxed, the atmosphere is just another dayI've written somewhere, I do not like so much the battle scenes, the stories like this. But, some people do not enough.
Highlight the part that depicts the struggle of the Hiizumi family. Or they will be kill. What to do with the responsibility of the village. Around it.
I like the manga is inconspicuous. Yozakura became animated, which is markedly
maniac manga
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