Title : 07-GHOST ( セブンゴースト )
Author: Yuki Amamiya ( 雨宮 由樹 )
Author: Yukino Ichihara ( 市原 ゆき乃 )
Latest: 8
Running?: Yes
Long ago, Death appeared in this world. They Fair Lauren and destroy the world. However Death were killed by God sent forth "07-GHOST". And then there was peace in the world. But the fragments of Death are remaining, and people were suffering by familiar (guys are drop down to darknes the man's heart).
Currently, there is Ragusu Kingdom and Empire Valsburg. From old age, Both nations will be protected by Michael eyes and Rafael eyes. Both nations signed a nonaggression pact and followed by peace.
However, the Ragusu Kingdom take a Pandora's box that was placed in the church of their own. And breaking the treaty and invasion began against Empire Valsburg to get Rafael eyes. But in contrast Ragusu Kingdom was destroyed. Royal family were killed and people became slaves of Empire Valsburg. In addition, Michael eyes disappeared during the war.
10 years later from the end of the Ragusu War. Tate-Klein was the son of the King of Ragusu Kingdom. However, his memories had been sealed during the Ragusu War. Pregnant on the right Michael eyes that was committed by his father. Later, he was fighting in slavery by the Imperial Army. Been adopted by the chairman of Military Academy and to attend officers school from one year ago.
One day, Tate-Klein remembered some of the lost memory. Until then, he had been living an elite students to join the Imperial Army. However,Tate-Klein recovered memories is to escape the army. This time, his fate was already starting to move.
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