Title : Anastasia Club ( アナスタシア倶楽部 )
Author: Chiho Saito ( さいとうちほ )
Latest: 5
Running?: No
Kamui Tsubaki. She tended to be seen younger than actual age. Because, Because she has the baby face in the petite.
She inherited that antique appraisal techniques from grandfather. Qualifications as a valuer of Kamui is outstanding. And all inherited that appraisal techniques.
One day, the bones were stolen. It was scheduled auction. Later, a man visiting the Kamui. His name is Takuto Sena. And brought the human bones that stolen at the auction. He ask the appraisal to Kamui. Contents of the ask is to be proven that kinship relations bones and Takuto. His claim to be. I am a descendant the Princess Anastasia.
,, It was the beginning of the puzzle that over the hidden treasures of the Romanov royal family.
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Anastasia Club
maniac manga
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